Dear High St Clothes Designer
Dear *insert high st clothes shop here*
I am of average height, with an average size inside leg, and a UK size 12 to 14. My waist line is NOT directly under my breasts, nor is my waist the same measurement as my hips. I have something what affects 50% of the population, called "curves".
Please remember this when designing your clothes and this will remind us that we are normal and that our curves are something we should accentuate and not hide behind baggy, unflattering clothes. We won't have to then try on 15 different things before we find something that actually fits and flatters us, instead of something that was made for someone who is 5 ft 10 with no breasts or hips with a 34 inch inside leg; ie: a boy.
Yours sincerely,
(A woman who actually has a great hour-glass figure, has a big round arse, big boobs and likes it)
You tell them lady!!